Friday, April 28, 2006

If we post polls, will they come?

Yeah, Baby!  Smokin'!  Cowabunga!  Geronimo!

We're up and running on this quote thing and Larry and I were talking about the possibility of posting some polls on YOUR (the reader's) thoughts on what the best quotes out there are.  So here's the question...

Would you take a quick poll once and a while about your favorite quotes and then have the results posted back here when the polls time frame was finished?

Let us know your thoughts... as well as your favorite quotes!

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admin said...

Why, sure I will. It would be my pleasure

The Libertarian Guy said...


You don't have a "worst movies" category... being a "Mystery Science Theater 3000" fan, I live for cheesy goodness, "Plan 9 From Outer Space" style. ;)

BTW, whatever happened to Joe-Bob Briggs, drive-in movie critic extraordinaire?